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Understanding Gingival Grafts

Gingival grafts, commonly referred to as gum grafts, involve the transplantation of gum tissue to areas where it has receded or thinned. This procedure serves both functional and aesthetic purposes, addressing concerns such as exposed tooth roots, enhancing smile aesthetics, and mitigating gum recession.

Types of Gingival Grafts

1. Graft of the Free Gingival Margin

Free gingival grafts, a focal point of our expertise at Auckland Family Dental, involve the removal of a small amount of tissue from the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then strategically placed over the recipient site, fortifying the gumline and preventing further recession.


2. Connective Tissue Grafts

Connective tissue grafts utilize a deeper layer of tissue beneath the surface, enhancing the aesthetic appeal by providing a more natural-looking gumline.


3. Pedicle Grafts

Pedicle grafts involve the use of adjacent gum tissue, preserving its connection to the blood supply. This technique is particularly beneficial in specific cases where tissue is available near the affected area.

The Gingival Graft Procedure - Step by Step


  1. Consultation and Assessment

    • Thorough examination of the patient's oral health.

    • Discussion of expectations and potential outcomes.

  2. Preparation

    • Comprehensive oral hygiene instructions for the patient.

    • Pre-surgical measures to ensure a seamless procedure.

  3. Graft Harvesting

    • Pain-free extraction of tissue from the donor site.

    • Minimizing discomfort through advanced anesthesia techniques.

  4. Recipient Site Preparation

    • Precise placement of grafts to address specific concerns.

    • Ensuring optimal blood supply for graft success.

  5. Post-Operative Care

    • Detailed instructions for at-home care.

    • Follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

  1. Restoration of Gum Health:

    • Address gum recession and thinning effectively, restoring the health and vitality of your gums.

  2. Prevention of Further Recession:

    • Halt the progression of gum recession by strategically placing donor tissue, preventing future issues.

  3. Enhanced Aesthetics:

    • Improve the visual appeal of your smile by achieving a natural-looking gumline, concealing exposed tooth roots.

  4. Reduced Tooth Sensitivity:

    • Alleviate discomfort associated with exposed roots, reducing tooth sensitivity for enhanced oral well-being.

  5. Long-lasting Results:

    • Enjoy the longevity of results as Free Gingival Grafts provide a durable solution for gum-related concerns.

  6. Customized Treatment Plans:

    • Benefit from personalized treatment plans at Auckland Family Dental, ensuring tailored solutions for your unique needs.

  7. Minimal Discomfort:

    • Experience the procedure with minimal discomfort, thanks to advanced anesthesia techniques and our commitment to patient well-being.

  8. Comprehensive Post-Operative Care:

    • Receive detailed instructions for at-home care and follow-up appointments to monitor progress, ensuring a smooth recovery.

If you’d like more information about Gingival Grafting, contact us today.



  1. Gum Recession:

    • If you notice your gums pulling away from your teeth, exposing the roots, you may be an ideal candidate for a gum graft.

  2. Tooth Sensitivity:

    • Persistent tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold temperatures, can be an indication of receding gums, warranting consideration for a grafting procedure.

  3. Esthetic Concerns:

    • Individuals desiring an improved smile appearance due to uneven gumlines or exposed roots can find a solution through gum grafting.

  4. Periodontal Issues:

    • Patients with a history of periodontal disease or those prone to gum problems may benefit from gum grafting to fortify and protect their gum tissues.

  5. Orthodontic Treatment:

    • Individuals undergoing orthodontic treatments, such as braces, might experience gum recession, making them potential candidates for gum grafting.

  6. Teeth Mobility:

    • If you notice increased tooth mobility due to gum recession, a gum grafting procedure can stabilize and strengthen the affected teeth.

  7. Desire for Prevention:

    • Those looking to prevent further gum recession and maintain optimal oral health can proactively consider gum grafting.

  8. Overall Oral Health:

    • Candidates should generally be in good oral health, with our expert team assessing individual cases for the best course of action.


How long does the gum grafting procedure take?

The duration varies based on the complexity of the case. Generally, the procedure can take one to two hours. Our team at Auckland Family Dental ensures efficiency without compromising precision.


What is the recovery process like?

Patients may experience mild discomfort initially, but our comprehensive post-operative care instructions help manage this. Full recovery typically takes a few weeks, with follow-up appointments to monitor progress.


How long do the results of gum grafting last?

Gum grafting provides long-lasting results, with the longevity influenced by individual oral health practices. Maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular check-ups at Auckland Family Dental contributes to sustained benefits.


For more information about Gingival Graft or Connective Tissue Graft and to schedule a personalized consultation, contact us at Auckland Family Dental Parnell. Your journey to a confident and radiant smile begins with a simple conversation. Reach out to us today!

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